(image from here)
I am distinctly aware of belonging to a specific generation; one that grew up in the '70's, had their youth in the '80's, established adulthood in the '90's and 00's, and are now embracing with vigour and dignity the challenge of being 50 plus.
I don't feel particularly old for my years, but nor do I fight against the passage of time. I don't try to look younger than I am, I don't lie about my age, I don't wear inappropriately youthful fashions, but nor have I quite yet given in to the lure of elasticated waistbands and comfort shoes.
The world is both remarkably different, and remarkably the same, as the one I grew up in, but it has recently occurred to me that I am probably one of the last generation who will routinely use some expressions, and observe some social mores, that will age me as surely as the laughter lines round my eyes.
Therefore I ask the following question: am I one of the last generation to
- use the words 'dinner' and 'party' in the same sentence
- not discuss bowels, sex or politics in mixed company
- send Christmas cards in quantity, by snail mail
- think it's cool to say 'cool'
- miss sending cheques in the post
- sign off 'Yours Sincerely' in cordial letters
- sign off 'Yours Faithfully' in business letters
- reach for a pencil and paper to work something out
- remember when everyone wore a vest (wool in winter, cotton in summer)
- get out the good china for company
- think trainers should be worn only for sporting pursuits
- worry that I am wearing too much make up
- still think of John Pertwee as Dr Who
- never have cleavage and knees showing (in one outfit)
List to be expanded no doubt, as more examples spring to mind.
What about you? What markers and mores fix you in your particular generation? I'd love to know.